100 Days Challenge

100 Days of Code & Fitness Challenge

Happy New Year!

Image by Mohamed Hassan  via  Freerangestock

Instead of setting a New Year’s Resolution, I like to start my year with a challenge. Last year I did the #100DaysOfCode Challenge with @WITDEVS (Previously called WWDUG) and it was AMAZZZING!!

So much so that I am doing it again this year….

….with a few changes. I had a lot of fun participating last year and learned so much about node.js and completed a trailhead or two. For me what I struggled with was my structure. I jumped head first and was all over the place, which makes things a bit frantic for me. So this year I put some thought into how I am going to work through this challenge.


Before we dive into my strategy, a quick recap on the #100DaysofX Challenge for those not familiar with it. The 100 Days challenge is about acquiring habits. Doing something consistently that it eventually becomes second nature.

Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is the result of good work habits.

-Twyla Tharp

These habits can produce a skill through learning (#100DaysofCode or #100DaysOfFrench etc).

In some cases you might be trying to break a habit, well there’s a hashtag for that as well, #100DaysWithoutX, e.g #100DaysWithoutSmoking or #100DaysWithoutNetflix.

The Strategy

For #100DaysOfCode & #100DaysOfFitness challenge I will be doing the following:

  1. Forking the official 100 days of code github repo to track progress and commit to a log daily (I will be modifying the log to also incorporate my fitnesses progress). I will also do daily tweets. Last year I did daily tweets but having an extra place to organize all the days so I can see progress without having to sift through tweets, I think will be better for me.
  2. In terms of the languages I will be studying for #100DaysOfCode, I have decided to do javascript and Lightning Web Components. With this in mind I have a rough structure on how I will be learning the content. Which is as follows:
    • Day 1-30: Work through a few javascript Bootcamps
    • Day 31- 61: Work on the #javascript30 course
    • Day 62-100: Work on Lightning Web Components.
  3. In terms of #100DaysOfFitness the goal here is to gradually build up to doing a minimum of an hour of activity daily. The rough schedule will be as follow:
    • Day 1-30: 30 minutes minimum of either walking, biking, cardio, weight lifting or a combination).
    • Day 31-61: 45 minutes minimum of either walking, biking, cardio, weight lifting or a combination).
    • Day 62- 100: 60 minutes minimum of either walking, biking, cardio, weight lifting or a combination).
  4. I will also post a weekly summary as I go through the challenge and a final write up at the end on what I leaned and my accomplishments.

Last year on average, I managed to do ~30 minutes minimum of activity daily, this year I hope to double that number. Having a basic structure will help me stay more organized and focus on the big picture. With all said and done, have fun and join me on the #100DaysOfXChallenge! If your interested in participating with me here are some links, choose your path:


Official Sites

Code Resources:

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