My first TrailblazerDX experience was in 2018, back then it was called Trailhead DX. I was bright, eager, and ready to take on my architect bootcamp. Now, five years later, I’m back in person with an even deeper understanding of the Salesforce platform as a Salesforce Certified Technical Architect (CTA), and I’m blown away! I …
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For my second spotlight series it was hard not to bring up Lighting Web Components as there are some interesting things going on in that space, but I digress. Today I want to talk to you about your regrets.
Beta & Beyond: My Favorite Winter ’20 Feature
Now that Winter’ 20 is here, I wanted to quickly highlight my favorite beta feature that is now GA (Generally Avaibalibe).
Lightning Web Components
Spotlight Series I wanted to kick off my first in what I hope to be a never ending series of spotlights. I thought it fitting to highlight Lightning Web Components, as they are the “new kids” on the block when it comes to developing Lightning Components.
Spring ’17 Features Preview: What’s Coming Next
Happy New Year! Whether you are on Salesforce Lightning or still on Classic the New Spring ’17 Release has plenty to offer. Todays blog Post will discuss my top 5 upcoming features. Disclaimer: The features discussed here today are still not yet generally available. There is no guarantee that these features will become general available and …