Spotlight Series
I wanted to kick off my first in what I hope to be a never ending series of spotlights. I thought it fitting to highlight Lightning Web Components, as they are the “new kids” on the block when it comes to developing Lightning Components.
What’s a Lighting Web Component?
I am sure by now you have read, watched or tweeted something about Lightning Web Components or LWC as they are affectionately known by. If not let me refresh you, Lightning Web Components are the new programming model built on a lightweight framework and modern day web standards.
LWC was released with the Spring ‘19 release and with that release came so many possibilities on how you build for Lighting. I spent a lot of time deeply immersed during my #100 Days Challenge and found it fitting to highlight the following:
- Simplified File Structure
- From the UI stand point there should always be an HTML file, a Javascript file, and a metadata configuration file. So at minimum you can create a LWC with three files, thats it!
- From a library (service component) standpoint there should always be a javascript and a metadata configuration file. Even better, two files!
- Documentation
Getting Started
- Blaze the Trails
- A geat trail on learning all that is lightning web components.
- Watch a series
- Need more face to face content but have no time for a live webinar , no problem! I created a LWC playlist with an amazing content from our friends @salesforceDevs
Like any fine wine LWC will get better with age but make no mistake the time to start developing with LWC is now!
Image by Stuart Miles via Freerangestock