100 Days Challenge

Weekly Check In – Day 8


So much has happened on my 100 Days of Code & Fitness Journey and it’s only Day 8!

Image by Stuart Miles via Freerangestock

My goal last week was to ease into my learning and fitness, especially my fitness, to ensure I could keep up with the cadence! After all this is definitily a marthon type challenge.

Weekly Wins

On the code side I was able to complete the entire language basics section of the Accelerated Javascript Training Course. I also delved into some trailheads and completed the App Specialist Super Badge. If you have been following my daily tweets you might have seen that the application for Lighting Champions have opened. Last year I really wanted to apply for this program but because of time constraints I had to pass. So when I found out it would be open again I jumped at the opportunity to apply.

Completion on the Language Basics Sections in the Accelerated Javascript Training Course
Completion of the App Customization Specialist Super Badge

On the Fitness side most days I was able to do the minimum (30 minutes). I have also been consciously taking the stairs at work and trying to move around more during the day, whether it’s going for a walk at lunch or taking small intentional breaks. This has helped tremendously and I hope to at minimum keep up these intentional actions. What has really helped me keep active is being able to come home and do not only typical exercises (situps, weights etc) but also getting my cardio work out through the game Just Dance 2019. There are different levels for the songs that help you ramp up the intensity while still having fun.

Learning Opportunities

On the code side it’s always easy for me to get distracted but having my daily log in github where I can commit every day and a some what structured plan for my learning has really helped a lot.

On the fitness side my biggest struggle has been getting back into the groove. The intentional action that I mentioned earlier (taking the stairs and intentional break or long walks) has helped jump start the conscious decision to want to exercise but still got a long way to go!

Overall this challenge has been great start to the new year. If your thinking on getting started check out my previous post, my github daily log and as always you can join me on twitter.

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